Illya's Honey

1___Retrospect, Sea by Carol Alexander
2___Creation Myth by Sylvia Ashby
3___East Window by Mary Biber
4___Deploration of Spring by Betsy Blair
5___Third Untitled Haiku by Jane Blanchard
6___Fumbling Aid by Margo Davis
7___Heat Wave by Margo Davis
8___Her petal-soft by Margo Davis
9___I had a lion as a pet. by William Dean
10___My Gift To You by William Dean
11___Working Title by William Dean
12___Memory by Richard Dinges,Jr.
13___My Porch by Richard Dinges,Jr.
14___Time and Space by Richard Dinges,Jr.
15___Like a Fenceless Sky by Ken Hada
16___Long Lives by Carol Hamilton
17___Diminution by Michael Keshigian
18___Last One Standing by Laurie Kolp
19___The End Has a Life of Its Own by Mary Clare Leonard
20___Tying Knots by Mary Clare Leonard
21___The House by Mary Ann Meade
21___Lemon Blossoms by Elizabeth Perdomo
22___Garage King by Kevin Ridgeway
23___Miniature Paratroopers by Kevin Ridgeway
24___Visitors from Another Era by Kevin Ridgeway
25___Leaves by Jeff Santosuosso
26___Water Front by Jeff Santosuosso
27___Cicatrix by Ken Wheatcroft-Pardue
28___Poly-Rhythms by Clarence Wolfshohl
29___Spring Blooms by Clarence Wolfshohl