you’re discussing Kierkegaard in the mud with a chunk of existential wood that seems to believe your life could be much taller than it appears to be the mud is warm and makes you lazy ––if there was a type of innocence the other children would have nothing to do with the storage facility seemed to be underground but I suppose that could have been a hole ––if there had been a lid you might have kept it on tight ––if you needed to smuggle any particular family of prior indulgences into the continuing unfortunate event ––if you could imagine the frontier ––if you might actually get there ––if some of these things contradicted some of these things but others were already entwined and groping our excitement was reasonable which made it less exciting ––if I have to say it again I will with a friendly scorched odor of excess welcome damp philosophy doesn’t seem to restrain cognitive excess but I’m not assuming you were able to resolve your differences my attitude is not superior to my attention which is not superior to my imagination nor do I believe it is only mine but I felt like you were negotiating your testimony from a position of indecision even though I couldn’t figure out what you hadn’t decided it’s the one hesitation we still claim