A Man Sleeps
by Bob McCranie

A man sleeps, his head on my lap
his fingers twitch the rhythm of his dream
I watch as the face of heaven slumbers

He is mine to keep safe, tonight at least
my arm on his ribs, lift, fall, lift
A man sleeps, his head on my lap

I could never trade this, his trust.
sit silent - lights dim. Remember, remember this
I watch as the face of heaven slumbers

New friend, old soul. I could sweep
him up, lay him adrift in a real bed, cover him
A man sleeps. His head in my lap

the smell of his hair, curve of his ear
the length of his legs relaxed out to his toes
I watch as the face of heaven slumbers

I want to kiss him, slip behind, hold him
through the night. Hold us. Two heads on one pillow
A man sleeps, his head on my lap
I watch as the face of heaven slumbers

Illya's Honey Literary Journal

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