Alzheimer's Window
by Dr. Charles A. Stone

No light shines through grey windows…
Rooms at their backs could be empty
___Or occupied by broken relatives,
Themselves gray and opaque.

Here, on mud-lined streets strollers
Could not care less about secrets
___That families keep; they are distracted
By holes in their socks

And coats other strollers wear…
No light shines through grey windows
___And strollers on mud-lined streets
Could not care less; they are living

The lonely death of the destitute.
Having only recently broken the paint
___Seal around grey windows,
They are now strollers on mud-lined streets…

They are secrets families keep
___Behind grey windows; they are distracted
___By holes in their socks and coats
Other strollers wear.

Illya's Honey Literary Journal

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