Notes On The Extermination
by Zvi A. Sesling

--Kurt Waldheim's legacy

Arrive in the back seat
of an official vehicle
Exit and stand stiffly
upright in the knickers
jacket with medals on exhibit
Flip hand up, bent at elbow
utter sieg heil
go to headquarters
another salute to the commander
sign papers for deportation
of Jews
cleanse Salonika
of Jews
At war's end escape prosecution
join diplomatic core
rise, inflated like a zeppelin
rise to power, president of Austria,
Secretary General of United Nations
Unlike the Fuhrer who wanted
to rule the world
you run it
Finally accused of genocidal crimes
you deny it
like every prison guard
who shot Jews
then lived in the United States
as if it never happened
you in your high tower
of life and work
your legacy brought down
by papers, photos, documents
by truth

Illya's Honey Literary Journal

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