You’d Still Be Here
by Michael Dwayne Smith

If I were a magician instead of a parlor trick
If I were a eucalyptus grove and not a leaf blower
If I were a silver needle

If I were a guardrail instead of a distant train
If I were a long pause on the phone and not the explanation
If I were a wheelbarrow

If I were a dresser drawer instead of a door
If I were a moon-soaked moment and not a hard fact
If I were a down pillow

If I were a garden instead of a bee sting
If I were a freshwater stream and not the interstate
If I were a bank holiday

If I were a bossa nova instead of a shrug
If I were a rain-slicker and not a damp wooly blanket
If I were a tiny bell

If I were a seabird instead of an old apology
If I were a somnambulant child and not a homeless window
If I were a porch light

Illya's Honey Literary Journal

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